Trombose Venosa Profunda
Dr Claudio Atsushi Yokoyama Cirurgião Vascular e Radiologista Intervencionista. Fala sobre trombose venosa e embolia pulmonar no programa Viver e Conviver.
SBACV juntamente com a Sociedade Brasileira de Pneumologia e Tisiologia apoiaram a divulgação de uma pesquisa inédita da Sanofi-Aventis sobre o que o brasileiro sabe sobre a trombose no país. O estudo feito pelo Ibope mostrou que 57% das pessoas não sabem quais os sintomas da trombose e 78% relatam não saber o que é embolia pulmonar.
Período: 27 de julho de 2010 a 3 agosto de 2010.
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PDF:Pesquisa_IBOPE_TVP-1.pdf (822,4 kB)
Qual é a dose adequada de enoxaparina para profilaxia de TVP?
Enoxaparin, effective dosage for intensive care patients: double-blinded, randomised clinical trial
Enoxaparin, effective dosage for intensive care patients: double-blinded, randomised clinical trial
Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are predisposed to thromboembolism. Routine prophylactic anticoagulation is widely recommended. Low-molecular-weight heparins, such as enoxaparin, are increasingly used because of predictable pharmacokinetics. This study aims to determine the subcutaneous (SC) dose of enoxaparin that would give the best anti-factor Xa levels in ICU patients.
ARTIGO ORIGINAL PDF: enoxaparin.pdf (436,2 kB)
Confira a entrevista do presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular RS, Dr. Adamastor Humberto Pereira, no Jornal do Almoço do dia 10/03/2010
The Annual Thrombosis Prevention Forum:
For Patients & Health Professionals, 2010
The Annual Thrombosis Prevention Forum - April 10, 2010, Boston MANATF’s Annual Forum is focused on the improvement of patient care through advancement of thrombosis education. The Annual Thrombosis Prevention Forum provides a unique educational experience, allowing patients and their families to interact with the professionals who carry out research, provide clinical care, or work on public policy or advocacy issues related to thrombosis.
Proactive Thrombosis Prevention: Patient and Health Professional Forum
April 4, 2009, Inn at Longwood Medical, Boston, MA
NATF’s Annual Forum focused on the improvement of patient care through advancement of thrombosis education. The Proactive Thrombosis Prevention Forum provided a unique educational experience, allowing patients and their families to interact with the professionals who carry out research, provide clinical care, or work on public policy or advocacy issues related to thrombosis.
Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia
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